It’s no secret I love to work with people who are just starting on their business journey. I feel like I can help them avoid the most common pitfalls and start on the right track.
One of the most common pitfalls I see is trying to gather as many customers as possible, if they can pay, they are welcome.
I know at the beginning, one of the most important things is to gather enough revenue to keep the business afloat and out of debt, but it’s equally important to choose your customers, after all, there are a ton of people that can pay for your product or service, but not everyone is a good fit for you.
And, before you think I’m entirely out of my mind, let me explain why.
It’s quite easy to forget that your audience is not just a number in your different accounts. They are people, with values, opinions, and interests. If they don’t match with your own, it won’t matter if they pay you all the money in the world, they will become a headache for you, just as you are a headache for them.
The solution is often described as creating a “customer avatar,” “ideal client,” or “buyer persona.” However, those are just fancy marketing terms for deciding the exact set of values you want your customer to have.
So what’s the best way to find those? Simple, you look in the mirror.
However, it doesn’t mean they have to be an exact match yours, but they do have to be compatible.
If your customer’s values are not aligned with yours, the most likely result is for them to be dissatisfied with your offer. That is one of the biggest causes for refunds, disputes, and general problems when a business is starting out.
It’s not because what you are doing something wrong, or your product or service is subpar; it’s because that value misalignment causes friction within the relationship, damaging the trust that it’s just starting to form between both of you.
But, if your values are a match, then you will have a customer for life that will recommend you all the time, simplifying your business growth and strategy. That is crucial in the beginning when there are minimal resources to spend on marketing.
So, instead of just trying to attract everyone and diluting your message, take an afternoon to define which values you want to showcase within your business. You will find that your road from starting business owner to a full-fledged entrepreneur becomes a lot easier.
If you choose your customers wisely, then you will have a successful business from the start.