It’s often said that emotions have no place in business, but is that even possible? You probably decided to create a business because you were excited to launch something into the world. You had this fantastic idea and now are working towards its creation and constant improvement. Trying to deny your emotions to keep your […]
You are your own hero
There is no question about it, and I’m here to prove it. We think of a hero as a person that has already achieved their ultimate goal. Just look at all the incredible stories that surround us, be it in books, movies, or history. We deem these humans as role models to aspire to. And […]
How to turn failures into life long lessons
After working so long on different types of businesses and watching my business rise and fall a couple of times, I started looking at failure in a very different light. Now, I don’t adhere to the idea that “failure should be your secret weapon” or “that you should fail fast.” I think those are cute […]
Why you should pay attention to your business failures
Most of the time we talk about business success stories, but failures are also a gold mine for lessons to improve ourselves. I’ve had some epic failures that I want to share with you, but most importantly, the lessons I learned along the way. As hard as this is for me to write, this is […]
Learning from anger
Is your business making you angry? I don’t mean like being upset because a client did something to you. We all go through those moments, and they are just that, moments that will pass. No, I’m referring to being angry most of the time, those moments when you can’t even have a meeting with anyone […]
Your business as part of your personal development path
I have talked about the importance of understanding the growing pains of your business, and how they hold vital lessons for you. But your business is so much more than a series of challenges, numbers and client relationships. It’s a beautiful way to discover more about yourself and the way you view the world. Your […]
The lessons behind the growing pains in your business
Imagine your business growing in the way you want. It provides you with fulfillment and freedom. You feel amazing because you know it took a great deal of effort to reach this point. You feel proud of it. Wouldn’t that be amazing? However, when we start to look at our path, those challenges seem harder […]
Why you should think about outsourcing
I’m honestly amazed when my brother’s students tell me that my choice to work as a freelance designer is more comfortable than getting a regular job. As independent business owners, we love to talk about the advantages we have over those on a 9-to-5 job. And some of those are now running jokes like working […]
Why you should manage your energy, not your time
Imagine this: You got up early in the morning and had been working all day long, you barely took any breaks, and somehow you still have a ton of work, but you have the feeling that you haven’t achieved anything. You haven’t been procrastinating, you are sure of it. You have been working all day […]
Remove unreasonable expectations to form new habits with ease
By this time you may already know I love to talk about personal development. Mainly because as small business owners, we need to stay on top of our game. If you come from a regular 9-to-5 job and then you are suddenly dropped into the world of being your own boss, the amount of freedom […]